Laine Justice
Born 1981 in Birmingham, Alabama. Lives in Northern California.
Laine Justice is a painter with extraordinary, otherworldly vision. Skillfully using paint, ink, dye, glitter and graphite she creates fantastical animal composite paintings inspired by nature and folklore.
Laine Justice received her BFA in painting and sculpture with honors from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY

Laine Justice, Blue Murmur, 23″ x 30″, lapis lazuli and graphite on fabriano bright white artistico watercolor paper

Laine Justice, 22″ x 30″, Monster Bird (Animal Composite)
watercolor and graphite on arches hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice,[Pretend Birds] In the Meadow, 22.5″ x 30.37″, watercolor on hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice, Deer in the meadow #5, 22.5″ x 30.37″, watercolor on hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice, Deer in the meadow #4, 22.5″ x 30.37″, watercolor on hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice, Deer in the meadow #3, 22.5″ x 30.37″
watercolor on hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice, Flying Pink Pony, 22″ x 30″, watercolor on arches hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice, Prancing Flying Cats, 22″ x 30″,
watercolor on arches hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice, Love Birds, Parakeets | Bird Landscape 22″ x 30″, watercolor on arches hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice, Bluejay and Ponies | Animal Landscape, 22″ x 30″
watercolor on hot press watercolor paper

Laine Justice,Pink Strutter, 22″ x 30″, watercolor, colored pencil, and graphite on cold press watercolor paper

Laine Justice, Blackbird Murmur | Cloud, 22.25″ x 29.75″, watercolor and graphite on printmaking paper

Laine Justice, Swans and Kittens, 26″ x 40″, watercolor, ink, dye, and interference acrylic on cream printmaking paper

Laine Justice, Rainbow Peacock, 37.75″ x 25.25″, watercolor, ink, dye, interference acrylic, colored pencil, and crayon on cream printmaking paper

Laine Justice, Storming Summer Falling Winter, 2020, watercolor on cold press watercolor paper scroll, 42 x 112 in

Laine Justice, Out Come the Divs #2, 22.5 x 29.75 in, graphite on printmaking paper

Laine Justice, The Battle of Mara #2, 22.5 x 29.75 in, graphite on printmaking paper

Laine Justice, Giant Kittens and Rainbow Waterfalls Deep Within the Wood, 40 x 32 in, Watercolor, sumi, ink, dye, crayon, and graphite on Mohawk superfine

Laine Justice, Tiger Waterfall Sunshadows Deep Within the Wood, 40 x 32 in, Watercolor, ink, dye, sumi, acrylic, crayon, and graphite on Mohawk superfine printmaking paper

From 2015 Exhibition, work on canvas by Laine Justice, Scene 1 The battle of Mara | For you I love more. Oil, powdered pigment, 22k gold, 12k white gold, lapis lazuli, glass, pewter,magnetite, mountain crystal, quartz, graphite, copper, resin and wax, 108″ x 84″