Lisa Solomon
Born 1973 in Tucson, Arizona. Lives in Oakland, California
Lisa Solomon’s art practice is an ongoing investigation of gender archetypes and hybridizations, as well as an examination into her own personal history. Through obsessive repetition and re-contextualization, she takes traditional feminine handicrafts and elevates them into the realm of fine art.
Solomon received her BA in Art Practice from UC Berkeley and her MFA from Mills College.

Lisa Solomon, Sanjusangendo crowns, 10” x 10”, acrylic, embroidery on Duralar

Lisa Solomon, Sen Sakura, 2013, 24″ x 36, acrylic, xerox transfer, charcoal, colored pencil, graphite, ink, pins, embroidery on Duralar

Lisa Solomon, Senbazaru, 27” x 27”, colored pencil and embroidery on Duralar

Lisa Solomon, Tank Installation, Orange, felt tanks, glasshead pins